June 2024 – Kinstellar has advised Canadian Nuclear Partners (a subsidiary of Ontario Power Generation, one of the world's largest power generators, and a corporation wholly owned by the Government of Ontario) on the framework agreement for the refurbishment of Unit 1 at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant, operated by the state-owned nuclear energy producer, Nuclearelectrica.
The framework agreement has an approximate value of EUR 240 million and represents a critical milestone in completing the refurbishment of Unit 1.
Canadian Nuclear Partners will support Nuclearelectrica with the delivery of project management services, technical assistance, consultancy services and professional training specific for the refurbishment of the CANDU power plant and the organisation and coordination of the commissioning of the Unit 1 until its return to commercial exploitation.
Assistance provided by Kinstellar included all aspects regarding the participation of the client in the project, including nuclear liability aspects, contractual matters, regulatory, public procurement law, corporate aspects, foreign subsidies regulation, employment, and others. The team has been assisting the client on all aspects since its entry on the Romanian market.
Canadian Nuclear Partners is a subsidiary of Ontario Power Generation (a corporation wholly owned by the Government of Ontario and responsible for approximately half of the electricity generation in the Province of Ontario, Canada). The company is a leading provider of energy services including nuclear energy, renewable energy (hydro and solar generation), and advancement of new technologies such as small modular reactors.
Kinstellar's assistance on the mandate was coordinated by Iustinian Captariu (Partner, Head of the firm-wide Energy sector and service line) supported by Catalin Graure (Counsel), Ioana Criste (Senior Associate), and Dana Sarbu (Associate) on all energy, competition and public procurement matters, Cosmin Vasilescu (Senior Associate) on all corporate matters, and Lidia Zarnescu (Managing Associate) on all employment law matters.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.