4 December 2017

How to prevent misconduct at the workplace Christmas party

Employers should consider the risks and take steps now to avoid being held vicariously liable for unlawful behaviour.
Australia Employment and HR


End of year workplace social functions will soon be upon us. It is now well established that such occasions, even if held outside standard work hours and away from work premises, are sufficiently "connected" to the workplace such that any unlawful behaviour—for example, bullying, fighting or sexual harassment—engaged in by employees at those functions can be the subject of a workplace complaint or litigation.


Most workplace legislation, for example, discrimination and sexual harassment laws, have provisions that allow the employer to be held "vicariously liable" for the conduct of its employees if the employer has not taken reasonable steps to prevent the unlawful behaviour from occurring. These laws usually extend coverage to work corporate events and even parties occurring after official events have ended.


Here are some infamous Christmas party litigation cases from the archives:

  • An employee was dismissed after he urinated over the side of a balcony on to diners below at his employer's Christmas party. Astonishingly, after he was dismissed for the behaviour he lodged a claim alleging his dismissal was unfair!
  • An employee was dismissed for sexual acts in front of several other employees in a hotel room booked by a group of employees, after the end of a Christmas party organised by the employer.
  • Four employees were prosecuted and fined by WorkSafe for breaches of occupational health and safety laws when an employee suffered severe burns at a Christmas party when another employee sprayed paint thinner onto his colleague's bare torso, which then caught fire as a result of the flame from an already ignited spray can.
  • An employee was injured by a propeller after being pushed off a boat by another employee at a Christmas party. The employer was found liable for the injury.
  • A golf club was held liable for the conduct of its president who sexually harassed a female employee of the club at the end of year Christmas party.


To ensure your end of year function does not result in workplace complaints and litigation, employers should consider taking the following measures when preparing for and managing end of year corporate functions and events in the workplace:

  1. Ensure that the organisation has in place current policies on equal opportunity, sexual harassment, bullying and workplace health and safety. Issues at Christmas parties generally fall into one of these categories. Policies should be reviewed now for compliance with current judicial expectations, as defective policies will be no defence. The policies should form contractual terms referenced in employment contracts. Circulate and reinforce workplace policies, and the Code of Conduct if you have one, prior to the end of the year.
  2. Ensure responsible service of alcohol. In McDaid v Future Engineering and Communication Pty Ltd [2016] FWC 343, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) held that employers must "take steps" to ensure that they serve alcohol responsibly. As the FWC does not always assume adults can be responsible for themselves, employees and others present should not be allowed to become heavily intoxicated. Consider sending unruly employees home in a taxi before anti-social behaviours develop.
  3. The corporate function should have a designated finish time taking into account the length of time employees have been present. Make sure no one who has been consuming alcohol has to drive home. Provide transport or cab vouchers.
  4. Designate someone to monitor hazards. In Keenan v Leighton Boral Amey NSW Pty Ltd [2015] FWC 3156, the FWC encouraged employers to appoint a manager to supervise the conduct of work events to avoid mishaps. Make sure the designated person is sober and is able to monitor and attend to occupational health and safety hazards at the Christmas party, such as wet floors, broken glass and loose electrical cables.
  5. Remind all staff by email before the Christmas party of the standards of behaviour expected of staff at workplace functions and the disciplinary consequences of failing to meet those standards, as provided in relevant policies. Employees should understand that just because the work function may be outside of standard working hours and may be at a non-work venue, normal workplace standards of behaviour continue to apply.


Read my other recent articles on the related topics of bullying, sexual harassment and employment contracts:

Employee bullied by CEO receives $1.4 million compensation

How employers can manage risk of sexual harassment claims

5 reasons to update written contracts of employment

Paul O'Halloran
Workplace relations
Colin Biggers & Paisley

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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