Taft chief attorney development officer Kendra Brodin recently served as a moderator for the American Bar Association Well-Being Week in Law panel, "Next Level Diversity: Why "Belonging" is What Attorneys Really Want".

Focusing on the social aspect of attorney well-being, the diversity panel dove into topics on diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts with expert opinions from speakers across the legal profession.

To learn more about the event, visit here.  

Brodin focuses on the holistic development of Taft's lawyers at all levels. She has previous experience as the client development manager at a leading intellectual property law firm. She also founded and ran a successful coaching and consulting practice. Brodin is a former president of Minnesota Women Lawyers, the chairperson of the Law Firm Leadership program of the Hennepin County Bar Association, has held a variety of leadership positions with the Minnesota State Bar Association, and is a member of the well-being committee of the ABA Law Practice Division.