15 September 1997

Road Rehabilitation Projects In Colombia

Gomez Pinzon & Asociados


Gomez Pinzon & Asociados
Colombia Strategy
The Colombian government has a specific project intended to improve 447 kilometers of national roads, rehabilitate 839 kilometers and pave 503 kilometers in 1998.

As a consequence, the National Council for Economic and Fiscal Policy recently authorized the contracting of a foreign loan by the Nation in an amount of 100 million dollars for a 15 years period. [QQ]
Prepared by Monica Restrepo from Gomez Pinzon & Asociados, Bogota, Colombia.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide but specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Carrera 9 No. 73-24 Pisos 1,2,3 y 5
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

Telephone : 571- 3107055/ 5066
Facsimile : 571- 3106646/6657

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