Legal Update: Supply Chain Series
In the latest episode of our Legal Update Podcast, attorneys Tim Dietrich and Dave Confer continue the conversation about current conditions in the global supply chain affecting all businesses. They cover geographic disruption, changing conditions in China and the Pacific Rim, and the expanding reach of the "Global South" as a geopolitical alliance. In addition, Tim and Dave discuss identified risks and tools to to deal with them, plus Canada's new Forced and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act effective January 2024, with the due diligence reporting requirement starting May 31, 2024. Dave chairs the firm's Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Industry Group and Tim chairs the firm's Food & Agribusiness Industry Group, providing a wealth of knowledge across these industries and beyond.
Originally published by 18 March, 2024
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.