The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Benefits panel focused on opportunities related to the landmark legislation that is the IRA. Moderated by Tax Member Gregg Benson, the panel featured Martin Toulouse, the Deputy Chief Counsel of the Loans Programs Office (LPO) at the Department of Energy, and Jonathan Schrag, the Deputy Climate Chief and Director of Investment for Decarbonization and Resilience in the Office of Climate, Innovation and Resilience for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Summit attendees were provided explanatory overviews covering the initiatives and focus of both the DOE's LPO as well as the Office of Climate, Innovation, and Resilience — with an emphasis on the intersection between the federal government's climate-related efforts through the LPO, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the work being done through the Massachusetts Office of Climate, Innovation and Resilience. Additionally, panelists focused on how the state and federal governments are collaborating to achieve common goals as states, such as Massachusetts, seek to significantly curtail carbon emissions, and the federal government similarly seeks to achieve a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. And, of course, with the moderator being a tax attorney, the impacts of the federal tax provisions of the IRA were covered from both the state and federal perspectives. To learn more about the LPO, please view Martin's presentation.
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