24 May 2021

¡(H)Ola Compliance! Podcast With Sergio Moro Covered By Latinvex

¡(H)Ola Compliance! Podcast: Bate Papo com Sergio Moro was covered by Latinvex in an article entitled "Latin America Corruption: Politics Hamper Progress."
United States Compliance

"Latin America Corruption: Politics Hamper Progress"

¡(H)Ola Compliance! Podcast: Bate Papo com Sergio Moro was covered by Latinvex in an article entitled "Latin America Corruption: Politics Hamper Progress." Matteson Ellis, Member and Latin America Practice Lead, and Gregory Bates, Member, both of Miller & Chevalier, speak with Sergio Moro, a Brazilian attorney, former federal judge, college professor, and former Minister of Justice and Public Security of Brazil.

Click here to listen to the podcast and download takeaways in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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