The topline numbers for food loss and waste are well known: Nearly 40% of food produced globally is never eaten, accounting for 10% of all global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and around a quarter of all fresh water use. But there are hidden costs to FLW not accounted for under current models.
Work by the Consumer Goods Forum's (CGF) Food Waste Coalition of Action and AlixPartners shows that retailers and consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturers dramatically underestimate the impact of FLW to their bottom lines—up to 6% of EBITDA for retailers and 24% of EBITDA for manufacturers.
These costs are set to grow. Companies will face a steep rise in costs as carbon abatement fees spike over the next 20 years. The broad under-measurement of cost means businesses are not fully resourcing food-waste reduction efforts and may be overlooking a critical element of a successful net zero carbon strategy. The FLW Capability Assessment developed with the Coalition aims to change this.
The new framework for action
- Target setting
- Governance
- Metrics & measurement
- Operational implementation
- Donation & destination optimization
Request the full report, take the assessment, and join the Coalition in taking action
Recognizing the hidden costs of food waste and quantifying the full GHG and P&L impacts will enable firms to justify decision-able business cases that drive increased prioritization and investment in addressing food waste. Leveraging those investments to adopt best practices in addressing food waste will allow for dramatic improvements in both environmental and financial outcomes.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.