IT Infrastructure Visibility Is Crucial for DORA Compliance
As DORA's compliance deadline creeps closer, ensuring IT infrastructure resilience has never been as critical. This article highlights the importance of monitoring andobservabilityto understandIT systembehavioursand stayahead of potential issuesto avoid costly downtime. Discover the key to IT resilience and how to achieve it at scale in this essential guidecovering:
- How Resilient are IT Data Centres?
- Enhancing IT Infrastructure Resilience.
- Achieving Resilience at Scale.
DORA – Navigating the EU's Operational Resilience Landscape
The EU's DORA is inevitable and will have rippling effects beyond the union. It supersedes previous industry-specific operational resilience guidelines and overcomes national disparities, harmonising guidelines for key focus areas across the entire financial industry value chain to establish a common framework across the union. This insight explores the macro impacts of DORA, summarising key sections of DORA's full text to define:
- What Is DORA and Its 5 Focus Areas?
- Why Is DORA Important?
- Who Does DORA Apply To?
- DORA Compliance vs. Non-Compliance.
mosaicOA – Observability For The Capital Markets
MosaicOA is a powerful, cloud-based IT analytics SaaS consolidating large data sets into a single interface. The solution enables IT teams to easily analyse and gain valuable insights into critical capital markets infrastructure.
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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.