We're pleased to announce the launch of our new eBook, ‘Doing business in Asia'. This eBook provides an overview of what you need to know when considering doing business in Asia. It includes the fundamentals of investing, from setting up a company in particular jurisdictions to successfully running a business.
With the progressive relaxation of market regulations and many sectors opening up to foreign investment throughout the region, coupled with the ease of logistics for global distribution, Asia has become an ideal destination for foreign direct investment (FDI).
Entrepreneurs and foreign businesses who wish to expand into the Asian market need to fully understand the local culture, business landscape and the overall framework of regulations and policies in the individual regions.
Despite tighter travel restrictions due to the pandemic, Asia's booming economic growth amid a continued period of global political and economic uncertainty is particularly attractive to companies looking to expand outside their home markets.
Within this guide, you will find an overview of the various company types available in different locations, as well as the benefits of expanding into each region.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.