Welcome to the 16th issue of ENSafrica's TMT ENSight, focusing on topics, news and analysis of novel and interesting developments in the technology, media and telecommunications space. In this edition:
- Our featured articles look at best practices for contracting during economic crisis, conducting the proper due diligence on your IT supplier, and employment considerations when outsourcing IT services.
- Telecommunications, a roundup of recent developments in the telecoms sector.
- In the news, a curation of topical events in the technology and telecommunications industry.
featured articles
- Contracting in the face of an economic crisis
- Isaivan Naidoo and Kayla Casillo highlight some of the main considerations that companies should take into account when wanting to reduce commercial and legal risk exposure under their contracts.
- Read the article here.
- Risks with poor IT supplier selection
- Ridwaan Boda and Priyanka Naidoo discuss the risks in not conducting the proper due diligence before onboarding your IT supplier.
- Read the article here.
- Information technology outsourcing and the application
of Section 197 of the Labour Relations Act
- Isaivan Naidoo, Jan Norval and Naledi Ramoabi explain the employment considerations you need to be aware of when outsourcing an IT supplier.
- Read the article here.
- GG: 49052 – Invitation for public comments: the
Draft White Paper on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services and
Online Content Safety: A New Vision for South Africa (July
- On 31 July 2023, the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies published a White Paper on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services and Online Content Safety and invited the public to comment.
- This Draft White Paper seeks to create an enabling environment for the provision of inclusive Audio and Audio-Visual Content Services (AAVCS) to all South Africans in a manner that promotes social-economic development and investment.
- All written submissions must be submitted by 16H00 on 8 September 2023.
- Written comments and enquiries should be directed to:
The Acting Director General, Department of Communications and Technologies C/O Draft White Paper July 2023 Block A3, iParioli Office Park, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield Pretoria Private Bag X860, Pretoria, 0001
- GG:49049: Request of Further Information From
Stakeholders with Respect to the Signal Distribution Services
Market Inquiry
- On 28 July 2023, ICASA published the Request of Further Information From Stakeholders with Respect to the Signal Distribution Services Market Inquiry (the "Inquiry").
- ICASA has engaged the public on the Inquiry through various platforms and at different times.
- After due consideration of the public's comments, ICASA is of the considered view that further engagements with stakeholders is necessary before the Inquiry is concluded. These further engagements ensure that the ICASA's findings are evidence-based and include all the relevant information.
- Stakeholders are invited to submit written responses to the
within 45 working days from the date of publication of this notice. - All communications relating to this Inquiry must be directed to the Chairperson: Signal Distribution Inquiry Council Committee at signaldistribution@icasa.org.za.
- GG48960: Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations
- On 14 July 2023, ICASA published the Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations, 2023 in terms of section 4, read with section 71 of the Electronic Communications Act, 2005.
- On 11 November 2022, the Authority published the Draft Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations ("Draft Regulations") in Government Gazette No. 47489.
- The Consumer advisory Panel Regulations have been finalised having considered the written comments that ICASA received on the Draft Regulations.
- The Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations came into effect on 14 July 2023.
in the news
- Kenya cyber-attack: Why is eCitizen down?
- On 27 July 2023, the Kenyan Government announced that that there was a cyber-attack on the eCitizen portal that is used by the public to access over 5 000 government services.
- The attack was carried out through a DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) on the system.
- The attack has also affected some private companies, although the extent of the impact is not yet clear.
- The cyber-attack has resulted in people having difficulties
accessing services on the portal, including:
- passport applications and renewal;
- issuing e-visas for foreigners visiting the country; and
- issuing driving licenses, identification cards and national health records.
- The cyber-attack also caused disruptions to train-booking systems and payments for electricity.
- Mobile-money banking services were also affected and people relying on the popular mobile-money service M-Pesa to make payments at shops, public transport vehicles, hotels and other platforms also experienced difficulties.
- The Minister of Information, Communication and Digital Economy stated that no data had been accessed or lost, although the hackers behind it claim to have stolen passport data.
- More about the cyber-attack in Kenya can be accessed here.
- ZTE, China Telecom unveil Smart Giga 5G Powered Metro
in Shanghai
- On 2 August 2023, ZTE and China Telecom unveiled the Smart Giga 5G Powered Metro, which operates on the Shanghai Metro Line 4.
- The industry's first BBU + pRRU two-level architecture 5G indoor solution is deployed inside the Shanghai metro carriage to provide high speed internet on the metro.
- This solution delivers high-speed backhaul of 15Gbps downlink available to metro passengers, which enables seamless HD film streaming for all users simultaneously, without any internet slowdown.
- This initiative lays a strong digital foundation for smart metro operations and more collaborations between China Telecom and ZTE.
- China Telecom's Shanghai branch and ZTE will continue to collaborate on more projects, focusing on new-generation ITs such as industrial internet, internet of things, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence.
- More about the Smart Giga 5G Powered Metro in Shanghai can be read here.
- MultiChoice launches DStv Stream
- On 1 August 2023, MultiChoice announced that it would be relaunching DStv Stream, which is an all-inclusive entertainment platform, with some changes.
- Last year, DStv decided to limit live streaming to a single device at a time and with this new relaunch, subscribers will be able to live-stream on two devices simultaneously.
- The "Extra Mobile Stream" will be charged extra and subscribers can expect to pay ZAR199 per month to be able to access this feature.
- The extra streams are limited to mobile devices only, ie, laptops, tablets and smartphones, which means that a TV (or a device like an Apple TV) cannot be used.
- DStv has also introduced a streaming-only package for its lowest tier package (EasyView), which will cost ZAR29 per month.
- The streaming-only package will be limited to a single stream at a time.
- More about DStv Stream can be read here.
- TechMarkit launches a retail laptop library
- TechMarkit, which is based in Rosebank, Johannesburg has a launched a retail laptop library.
- The Laptop Library Programme is aimed at providing anyone who needs to use a laptop with free access to one, subject to a nominal refundable deposit.
- This initiative forms part of the company's commitment to making technology accessible to everyone by removing the cost barrier.
- To use TechMarkit's Laptop Library Programme, customers will have to pay a ZAR500 refundable deposit, complete the lending form, and take the laptop home.
- Each laptop comes preloaded with either Windows or Chrome OS. In addition, Office Suite will be preloaded on to the Windows devices and Google Workspace for the Chrome devices.
- More about TechMarkit's Laptop Library Programme can be read here.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.