SA Cannabis For Private Purposes Act Signed Into Law

Adams & Adams


Adams & Adams is an internationally recognised and leading African law firm that specialises in providing intellectual property and commercial services.
On 28 May 2024, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed into law the Cannabis for Private Purposes Act (CfPPA). The Act regulates the cultivation, possession and use of cannabis by adults in a private setting.
South Africa Cannabis & Hemp
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On 28 May 2024, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed into law the Cannabis for Private Purposes Act (CfPPA). The Act regulates the cultivation, possession and use of cannabis by adults in a private setting.

The CfPPA removes cannabis from the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act. It also paves the way for the amendment of the Schedules to the Medicines and Related Substances Act and provides for the targeted regulatory reform of the Plant Breeders Rights Act and Plant Improvement Act.

The CfPPA also guides the medically prescribed administration of cannabis to a child whilst also protecting children from undue exposure to cannabis. It provides for an alternative manner by which to address the issue of prohibited use, possession of, or dealing in, cannabis, by children, with due regard to the best interests of the child.

Dealing in cannabis remains prohibited.

Detailed discussion on the bill which has now been enacted into law is set out in the article at President to Puff, Puff, Pass Cannabis Bill into Law – Adams & Adams.

The Act still needs to be promulgated and advertised in the Government Gazette before it will be in force. Regulations also need to be drafted and enacted.


The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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