4 February 2020

Africa Oil & Gas - January 2020

Mayer Brown


Mayer Brown is a distinctively global law firm, uniquely positioned to advise the world’s leading companies and financial institutions on their most complex deals and disputes. We have deep experience in high-stakes litigation and complex transactions across industry sectors, including our signature strength, the global financial services industry.
Please see our Oil & Gas experience in Africa.
South Africa Energy and Natural Resources

Particularly focused on project development and transactions in the oil and gas sector. The team's knowledge also includes tax litigation, labour law and corporate mandates. Clients describe the firm's service as very prompt, knowledgeable and cost-effective.

Chambers Global, 2019

Representative Deals


- Advised Genel Energy and White Rose on a US$250 million farm-in to two Statoil-operated deepwater blocks in Angola.*

- Represented Eni on the terms of its concession/ PSAs in Angola and Ghana.*

- Represented Maersk Oil on its operations in Angola, including in respect of it major Chissonga field development.*

- Advised the Angola LNG Project with respect to the sale of LNG to Angola LNG Supply Services LLC and the sale of regasified LNG to the US marketing affiliates of the project sponsors. When the market changed such that the import of LNG into the United States was no longer economical, our lawyers represented the Angola LNG Project in the creation of an international marking company to sell LNG into the international markets on both a spot and long- term basis.*

- Served as project counsel to the Angola LNG Project, an integrated project to monetize associated natural gas produced along with Angola's off-shore oil and gas production. Responsibilities included all matters related to the creation and corporate governance of the incorporated joint venture that constructed the project gas supply, the development of an off-shore pipeline, negotiation for the purchase of LNG regasification and storage capacity in the United States and LNG and NGL sales and the sale of regasified LNG at the tailgate of the US regasification terminal.*

- Represented Maersk Oil on negotiations with a supermajor for the unitization of petroleum development areas in the lower Congo Basin, Angola, and/or facilities sharing arrangements.

- Represented Maersk Oil in the sale of its 40% interest in the Polvo oilfield, located in the Campos Basin approximately 100 kilometers off the coast of Rio de Janeiro state, to HRT O&G.

- Represented Maersk Oil with regards to setting up the business structure for the Block 16 development, advising on various legal, tax and foreign exchange matters pertaining to such projects.

- Represented Maersk Oil in the acquisition of a 20% participating interest in Concession BM-C34 from Devon Energy Brazil.

- Represented BP with FCPA issues resulting from the enactment of a new Law on Administrative Probity.

- Represented Ecopetrol:

- » in the acquisition of Statoil's 10% participating interest in Blocks 38/11 and 39/11 (Kwanza Basin), located offshore Angola;*

- » in the acquisition of up to 15% participating interest owned by Statoil Angola in Blocks 38/11 and 39/11. *

- Represented Hercules Offshore on various day-to-day legal and tax issues in Angola.

- Represented Sonangol Empresa Publica, BP Angola, Cabinda Gulf Oil Company, ENI Angola and Esso Angola as project counsel in developing a fiber optic network for offshore oil and gas operators (Project Sooc).*

- Represented Sonangol in relation to the global corporate reorganization of the Sonangol's group, the country's participation in OPEC.*

- Represented Schlumberger on various day-today legal and tax issues in Angola.*

- Represented a major oil production client with the negotiations on a drilling contractor for Angola offshore work. We have been advising the client on how to handle the report of sensitive Angola-related financial information such as Bonus payments.*

- Represented Tidewater to establish their new joint venture investment in Angola with Sonangol towards the provision of marine services to the Angola-based oil industry.*

- Represented Cameron International in relation to structuring their business operations in Angola regarding a tender for a US$ 2 billion subsea project offshore Angola.*

- Represented CEPSA in a farm-in transaction for the acquisition of China Sonangol International Holding Limited´s 10% interest in block 19/11 (an oil block based in Angola). Our role in this transaction consisted mainly of advice on the legal and tax structuring of the transaction; analysing and reviewing the Finance Agreement, Production Sharing Agreement and the Farm-in (Assignment) Agreement; and advising and assisting on the negotiation of the Joint Operating Agreement with the other co-ventures.*

- Represented Heerema Marine Contractors in the negotiation of a JV with a potential Angola partner to provide services for IOCs in Angola.*

- Represented Transocean in the negotiation of a JV with a potential Angola partner and in the restructuring of its Angolan operations.*

- Represented MS Telcom in the negotiation of a $147 million EPC for communication and e-services for the Angola LNG Project.*

- Represented BP in a major financial transaction named "Project Vuvuzela", in which issues were addressed on local law on matters pertaining to the transaction, such as foreign exchange requirements and tax exposure.*

- Represented BP in the negotiation of production sharing contacts and JOAs for Blocks 19, 20, 24, 25.*

- Represented BP in the negotiation of a farmout with Petrobras for Block 26.*

- Represented BP in various aspects of the Angola LNG project.*

- Represented BP in multi-operator PSC abandonment procedures task-force.*

- Represented BP in industry-wide emergency response program.*

- Represented BP in multi-company purchase of Sikorsky emergency evacuation helicopters.*

- Represented BP in numerous conflicts of interest. FCPA and fraud investigations.*

- Represented BP in Torres Atlantico and Torres do Carmo office and residential buildings construction projects.*

- Represented BP in multi-billion dollar development projects on Blocks 18 and 31.*

- Represented BP in multi-billion dollar tax disputes with Angolan government.* - Represented BP in many aspects of China Sonangol's divestiture of its 10% holding in Block 19/11.*

- Represented BP in numerous discussions with Sonangol regarding possible PSC amendments to allow development of "marginal" areas of Blocks 18 and 31.*

- Represented BP in the drafting and negotiating of documents related to the multi-billion dollar SOOC fibre project (not completed).*

- Represented BP in discussions with an operator regarding DOJ and SEC allegations.*

- Represented BP in negotiations with Odebrecht for the construction of a major housing project for expatriates.*

- Represented BP in the training and Angolanization of its Legal Department.*

- Represented BP in FCPA compliance training to BP employers, contractors and sub-contractors on various occasions.*

- Represented Conoco in the negotiation of the Block 5 and 6 Production Sharing Contracts.*

- Represented Conoco in the construction of a housing and office complex at Cacuaco, Angola.*

- Represented Conoco in the drafting and negotiation of a wide range of drilling, well services, seismic, aviation and other services contracts.*

- Represented Conoco in the registration of its local branch.*


- Represented the Government of Benin on the development and structuring of a FSRU project, the first of its kind in West Africa, for the supply of up to 0,5 million tonnes per annum of regasified LNG to the country.


- Represented MOL in the purchase of oil & gas assets in Cameroon.*

- Represented Golar Hilli Corporation and Golar Cameroon, of the Golar LNG group, on the negotiation and signing of a gas convention with the Republic of Cameroon in connection with the installation and operation of a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility located off the coast of Kribi in southern part of Cameroon.*

- Represented Actis, in connection with the drilling and testing by Euroil of two natural gas wells in Bomono, Cameroon, the supply and sale of the gas from the wells to Actis and the installation of a temporary power plant and overhead line by Actis.*

- Represented the Government of Cameroon, in connection with the $90 million prefinancing arrangements for the adaptation works on the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline required for the development of the Lom Pangar hydropower project.*


- Represented CNODC, a Chinese state-owned oil & gas company, in connection with the drafting and negotiation of the documentation for the establishment of a JV project company with the State of Chad for the construction and operation of a refinery; and the drafting and negotiation of the $588 million limited-recourse financing and security documentation in connection thereto.*

- Represented CNPCI, a Chinese state-owned oil & gas company, in relation to its successful negotiations with the government of the Republic of Chad and SHT, the national oil and gas company, in their farm-out and financing (carry) arrangements relating to Block H.*


- Represented Chevron, in the context of the negotiation of an exit agreement with the Republic of Congo relating the divestment of downstream assets.*

- Represented CNOOC, a Chinese state-owned oil & gas company, in connection with the negotiation and the execution of a joint operating agreement relating to the High Sea A permit with SNPC, the Congolese NOC.*

- Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom, France's second largest E&P company, in the context of several transactions regarding the M'Boundi, La Noumbi, Kouilou, Tilapia, Pointe Indienne and Marine III permits.*

- Represented ARCO in the drafting and negotiation of a tax and royalty agreement in the Marine II Block, as well as the related suite of required operational agreements (drilling, wellsite services, seismic, aviation, etc.).*


- Represented PA Resources on its farm-out of assets in Congo (Brazzaville) to SOCO and in its disposals in both Equatorial Guinea and Tunisia.*


- Represented CNR on its purchase of assets offshore Ivory Coast.*


- Advised a confidential client in relation to its LNG marketing arrangements in connection with Djibouti LNG.*


- Represented BP in its farm-in transaction for 10 percent of Eni's Zohr development in Egypt (plus an option for a further 5%).*

- Represented Chevron on its acquisition, by exchange, of assets in Egypt.*

- Represented a listed European E&P company in relation to a feasibility study and proposal for an offshore gas pipeline and long term gas sales arrangement offshore Egypt.*


- Represented White Rose Energy Ventures in its acquisition of assets, offshore Equatorial Guinea.*

- Advised a bidder in relation to its proposal to provide an FLNG solution to Ophir's Fortuna development offshore Equatorial Guinea.*

- Represented a US company in connection with a private port to be built in a Free Trade Zone under a government concession from the Government with facilities to include oil storage and transfer facilities, container, bulk and liquids handling facilities, airfield and runway for air cargo operations and related facilities.

- Represented Mitsui & Co, Ltd in the acquisition of shares in Equatorial Guinea LNG and subsequent project implementation matters.

- Represented PetroSA, in relation to the negotiation and execution of PSC agreements with Equatorial Guinea.

- Represented PetroSA, in relation to the renegotiation of an EPC agreement with Blue Water company in the Sable Field. Drafting an Amendment to the EPC contract previously executed.


- Represented OMV on a series of acquisitions and subsequent disposals in Gabon, Namibia and Madagascar.*

- Represented Harvest Natural Resources, Inc., in the divestment of its participating interest in Dussafu Marin oil and gas license offshore Gabon.

- Represented KNOC, the Korean National Oil Company, in connection with its bid for the acquisition of Addax, holder of with multiple significant oil& gas properties in Gabon.*

- Represented Canadian Natural Resources, in the context of the reorganization of its participating interest in the Olowi oil & gas license offshore Gabon.*

- Represented ARCO in the drafting and negotiation of the production sharing agreement for the offsore Tolo and Otiti Blocks, as well as the related suite of required operational agreements (drilling, wellsite services, seismic, aviation, etc.).*

- Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom in the context of a USD 600 million term loan with Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd an eight other Asian lenders for the purposes of, inter alia, the refinancing its oil and gas operations in Gabon.

- Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom on the potential acquisition of Total assets and Shell assets in Gabon.

- Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom in connection with the drafting and negotiation of a farm-in agreement and related JOA with Tullow Oil regarding an oil & gas license.

- Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom on the renewal of its seven exclusive exploitation and development licenses in Gabon covering 6,100 km and on the renegotiation of the related production sharing contract with the government.*

- Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom in connection with the drafting and negotiation of a farm-in agreement and related JOA with Steam Oil regarding an oil & gas license.* - Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom in connection with the drafting and negotiation of a farm-out agreement with Maersk regarding an oil & gas license.*

- Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom in connection with the drafting and negotiation of a settlement agreement with a partner in an oil & gas license.*

- Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom in connection with the negotiation of a tax settlement agreement with the government.*

- Represented Setanta Energy in connection with its negotiations with the government for the award of an offshore block and the drafting of the related production sharing agreement.*

- Represented Setanta Energy in connection with its negotiations with an adjacent oil & gas license holder and the drafting of the first AIPNbased unitization agreement to be implemented in Gabon.*

- Represented Setanta Energy in connection with its bid to acquire an oil & gas license held by Total Gabon.*

- Represented Setanta Energy in connection with the drafting and negotiations of various commercial agreements including crude oil sales and transportation agreements.*


- Advised BP on its bid and eventual award of a Petroleum Exploration, Development and Production Licence for the A1 block offshore The Gambia.*


- Represented Tullow plc in relation to its joint venture operations in Ghana (with Kosmos and Anadarko) and a World Bank/IFC investigation into the activities of their joint venture's FPSO operator – and related matters.*

- Represented Swiss African Oil, a small start-up, in negotiating its Petroleum Agreement with the Petroleum Commission in Ghana.*

- Represented Eni on the terms of its concession/ PSAs in Angola and Ghana.*

- Represented a European independent in relation to a joint operating agreement and Petroleum Agreement dispute in Ghana in respect of its offshore exploration interests.*

- Represented Chase Petroleum on the fuel supply and storage joint venture with Vitol, the energy and commodity trading group, in connection with the construction and operation by Chase of a light crude oil tank farm in Tema, Ghana. The LCO tank farm is part of a wider project by Cenpower, an independent power producer, to construct a 359MW power plant which will provide 10% of Ghana's total installed capacity. Vitol will be the exclusive supplier of crude and distillate to the power plant while Chase will construct and operate the storage faculty and related infrastructure and supply distillate to Vitol.


- Represented BP on its farm-out of a 42.5 percent operated interest in the onshore Ghadames South and Ghadames North blocks and the Sirte block offshore Libya and arrangements for access to existing production and transport infrastructure in country.*

- Represented Occidental Petroleum in relation to various issues arising from a prior acquisition of various upstream interests in Libya under E&P sharing agreements.*

- Represented a oil & gas company on the negotiation of a contract with a national oil company to rejuvenate and expand an existing liquefaction plant and terminal facilities in Libya with a view to restoring it to its original nameplate production, as part of an integrated project including natural gas production, transportation and processing, and the production and marketing of LNG and condensates.*


- Represented BP on its farm-in in regards to three exploration blocks in offshore Morocco, operated by Kosmos Energy.*

- Represented Gulfsands Petroleum plc on its purchase of Cabre Maroc Limited, an offshore company with significant acreage in Morocco.*


- Represented ROC Oil in the sale of its interests in the Mozambique Channel to a subsidiary of Sapetro.*

- Advised the Mozambican National Oil Company for its multiple natural gas projects in Mozambique, combined projects of more than US$60 billion.

- Advised the Chinese National Oil Company in its projects for exploration of natural gas in the Rovuma Basin Area 4 LNG Project, a project of US$35 billion.

- Advised the Thai National Oil Company in its projects in Mozambique's Rovuma Basin Area 1 LNG Project, a project of US$25 billion.

- Advised a Russian major Oil Company with legal issues in its exploration blocks in Mozambique, a project of US$527 million.

- Advised Anadarko on all aspects of its LNG sales and marketing arrangements in connection with the Mozambique LNG project.*

- Represented Anadarko in its projects in Mozambique's Rovuma basin area.

- Represented a Brazilian engineering company for the provision of engineering services for Vale Mozambique, in a project of US$ 150 million.

- Represented the global leading Brazilian energy equipment manufacturer in an M&A transaction for the acquisition of a South African/Mozambican company.

- Represented Cameron/OneSubsea on various legal issues related to Rovuma basin projects.

- Represented Geokinetics, the Houston based company, on various legal issues related to Rovuma basin projects.

- Represented Icro in providing services to several significant projects in Mozambique.

- Represented Forship in providing services to several significant projects in Mozambique.

- Represented a major Japanese conglomerate on the development of a petrochemical plant in Mozambique.

- Represented Petronas in the negotiation of a petroleum exploration and production contract in the Mozambique Rovuma basin area.

- Represented Sasol on various legal issues dealing with the utilization of the MozambiqueSouth Africa pipeline.

- Represented Subsea7 and Schlumberger on various tax and legal issues related to Rovuma basin projects.

- Represented Wentworth/Artumas in the negotiation of a Petroleum Exploration & Production Contract in the Mozambique Onshore basin.

- Advised Trafigura Group on various legal issues and transactions in Mozambique and Brazil for their Oil & Gas midstream and downstream division.

- Represented ARCO in the drafting and negotiation of the production sharing agreement for the onshore Pande Block which led to a major gas development project (Mozambique to South Africa gas pipeline), as well as the related suite of required operational agreements (drilling, wellsite services, seismic, aviation, etc.).*


- Advised Excelerate Energy, a US based LNG marketing and infrastructure company, in its time charter of a FSRU in Kuwait and for the proposed FSRU for the use in Namibia.

- Represented Etablissements Maurel et Prom in connection with the negotiation and execution of 2 joint specific operating agreements pertaining to exploration licences in 0044 and 0045 offshore Namibia*


- Represented CNODC, a Chinese state-owned oil & gas company, in connection with the drafting and negotiation of the contractual and financing documentation (including a $880 million loan agreement together with the usual security package) relating to its $5 billion investment in the Republic of Niger, for theacquisition of the on-shore "Agadem" oil block, the construction of the first refinery in Niger and the construction of pipelines for transportation and export of crude oil and refined products.*


- We advised Eland Oil & Gas plc on its sale to Seplat Petroleum Development Company Plc, the West African oil & gas operator, for £382 million.

- Represented a global oilfield services company in relation to its new JV relationship with a Nigerian indigenous oil & gas development company and investment into operations for an offshore oil development, including a novel "synthetic equity" remuneration model.*

- Represented the preferred bidder on the acquisition of an "OML26" in Nigeria.

- Represented BNP Paribas (and other commercial lenders) on the extension and increase of the $250 million RBL facility for Faroe Petroleum.

- Represented BNP Paribas on the refinancing of the borrowing base financing for the Okoro Field in Nigeria.

- Represented Petrobras Nigeria in relation to development of Engina Project field with different participating parties (NOC, Sapetro, Total, local company and IOCs), assistance in the negotiation of a set of agreements, including E&P contracts, hydrocarbon transportation agreement, processing and LNG plants, and financing deals.

- Represented a state petroleum corporation on breach of agreements relating to environmental protection.

- Represented a contractor on the proposed contracts for three CHP plants.

- Represented Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation in the drafting of the Biofuels Law for Nigeria.


- Represented Cairn Energy on its acquisition and operations in Senegal.*

- Represented a Luxembourg-based fund with a $25 million equity loan arrangement with the Fortesa Group for the further development of several oil & gas properties in Senegal.

- Represented 4D Global Energy Advisors, a French investment fund, in connection with the drafting and negotiation of the largest gas supply agreement (in a take-or-pay form) currently in place in Senegal, together with the related securities.*

- Represented Etablissements Maurel & Prom, in the context of several transactions regarding the Sebikhotane permit.*


- Represented Zenith Bank in connection with a US$27,000,000 secured facility to a Sierra Leone company to develop, construct and operate a jetty for oil tankers in Sierra Leone.


- Advised Genel in relation to an exploration campaign for its onshore acreage in Somaliland.*


- Represented an Indian oil company in relation to the construction of a multiproduct pipeline in Sudan on a build-operate-lease-transfer (BOLT) basis and structuring for a prospective project financing.

- Represented an Indian oil company in relation to the expansion and refurbishment of a major refinery in Sudan on a BOLT basis.


- Advised Equinor on early stage risk analysis and project structuring options for a proposed onshore LNG terminal for processing natural gas from the Block 2 discovery offshore Tanzania.*

- Represented African Eagle Resources plc on a number of matters as it progressed in its transition from an exploration company to a development company, including its disposal of 90% of its interest in the Dutwa project to Blackdown Minerals.

- Represented an independent oil company on the drafting and negotiation of a Production Sharing Contract for use in a frontier hydrocarbon province in Tanzania.

- Represented a major oil company as co-sponsor of an LNG project in Tanzania in collaboration with the owners of multiple deepwater blocks (with different licensing and development terms and timelines). The role included advising on the terms of a Host Government Agreement between the host government, the national oil company, and the international oil companies.


- Represented Gulfsands Petroleum on its farm-in to assets in Tunisia and the subsequent sale of the same to its joint venture partner.*


- Represented PA Resources on its predivestment restructuring of its African and European businesses.*

* Transactions led by Mayer Brown attorney while at a former firm.

Celebrated mining practice with a growing presence in oil and gas, power and energy. Recognised for its prowess in mining project finance, in addition to its expertise in energyrelated disputes and novel IPP mandates. Adept at handling corporate matters for petrochemical companies, as well as advising a long list of sponsors and governments on project development. Draws on its global network to support clients across Anglophone, francophone and Lusophone Africa.

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