The Federal Communications Commission's, (“FCC”) i.e., Federal regulatory agency responsible directly to the US Congress, to regulate interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable, recently with a unanimous approval on March 14, 2024, marked a significant milestone for the Supplemental Coverage from Space (“SCS”) regulatory framework [Federal Communications Commission Fact Sheet, GN Docket No. 23- 65 and IB Docket No. 22-271 ]. Under this framework, satellite operators can partner with terrestrial mobile providers to extend coverage for smartphone users beyond traditional cell towers. The SCS providers will be operating as a secondary service alongside Mobile Satellite Services, with the final framework aligning with the previously published draft. The implementation of the same awaits publication in the Federal Register and completion of the Office of Management and Budget review. A notice of Proposed Rulemaking aims at addressing additional considerations by inviting public feedback. Companies like Lynk Global and Omnispace have welcomed the decision, anticipating substantial market growth. The industry progress includes Apple's utilization of Mobile Satellite Services spectrum for emergency services and SpaceX is planning for direct-to-smartphone communication.
Originally published by 08 May, 2024
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