1. Key takeaways
Generally, a confidentiality club shall include at least one natural person from an intervening party
Since the intervener shall be treated as a party in accordance with R. 315.4 RoP (unless otherwise ordered by the Court), on request according to R. 262A a confidentiality club shall comprise at least one natural person from the intervener.
2. Division
LD Duesseldorf
3. UPC number
UPC_CFI_457/2023, App_25069/2024
4. Type of proceedings
Infringement Proceedings
5. Parties
Dolby International AB
Access Advance LLC
HP Deutschland GmbH
HP Inc.
HP International SARL
et al.
6. Patent(s)
EP 3 490 258 B1
7. Body of legislation / Rules
Art. 58 UPCA
R. 262A RoP, 315.4 RoP
Art. 9 RL (EU) 2016/943
LD Duesseldorf, July 22, 2024, Order on a request for confidentiality, UPC_CFI_457/2023
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.