On March 23, 2022, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers № 147 came into force, which introduced restrictions on the import of goods from Belarus.
The ban applies to the export of goods to the EAEU member states (i.e. Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan), as well as the export of goods to other countries that are placed under the customs procedures of export, temporary export, processing outside the customs territory and re-export.
To determine the prohibited goods, it is necessary to compare the HS code used for export and the goods in the Annex to the Resolution No. 147 of the Council of Ministers.
For reference: The ban also applies to goods that were placed under the customs procedures of export, temporary export, processing of goods outside the customs territory and re-export until March 23, 2022 and have not been exported.
At the same time, prohibited goods may still be exported with a one-time license issued by the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade (MART) with an approval of the regional executive committee and the Minsk City Executive Committee.
The procedure for obtaining a license can be found at the following link.
To obtain approval for issuing a license in the regional executive committee (Minsk City Executive Committee) it is necessary to submit a letter with the grounds for issuing a license, an application in 2 prints and confirmation of the representative's powers. The approval is given for free within 10 working days.
For reference: The Resolution provides for exceptions to which the export ban does not apply. For example, the following groups of goods:
Received (formed) as a result of processing operations on the customs territory of the EAEU in the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the customs procedure of processing on the customs territory;
Vehicles of international carriage, exported from the customs territory of the EEU;
originating from the territory of Belarus, the Russian Federation, accompanied by a certificate of origin of the goods, ST-1 form or any other certificate confirming the Belarusian or Russian origin of the goods;
Other cases can be found at the following link.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.