Welcome to our 5 minute tax update broadcasted monthly. The aim of our tax webcasts is to provide a brief summary of local and international tax events impacting Cyprus.
In this Tax Webcast, we cover the following topics:
1. Local tax developments
1. 1 Tax bill to amend the Law Regulating the Settlement of Overdue Taxes
1.2 Revised T.D.2001 for Investment Funds
1. 3 Proposal for compensatory measures against the newly
introduced contributions to the General Healthcare System
2. International developments
2. 1 Updated EU list of non-cooperative
3. Tax treaty developments
3. 1 Agreement between the Republic of Cyprus and
Kazakhstan for the avoidance of double taxation
4. Tax diary for June 2019
30 June 2019
- Payment of tax balance for the tax year 2018 through self-assessment by individuals who don't prepare audited Financial Statements.
- Payment of SDC on rents, dividends and interest from sources outside of the Republic for the first 6 months of 2019.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.