Before a pesticide can be commercialized in Chile, it has to undergo a lab analysis first. For this purpose, a foreigner can either create a new company or appoint someone here in Chile that will ask for the registration under his own name and afterwards transfers the registration to your company, when it establishes a brand here in Chile.
The documentation that has to be provided is as follows:
- Formula (quantitative and qualitative)
- Monograph (including the active substance); physical and chemical characteristics, compatibility, toxicological properties; disinfecting action; application field; antidotes
- Any technical data might be considered as necessary for further information about the product.
- If it is an imported product, attach the authorization of the product for the purposes it is prequired in Chile from its original country, whether it be elaborated (ready for its commercialization) or the active matter, granted by the competent authority and properly registered with the official notary public in that country.
- Label format, which must include the formula of the product, preventive and sanitary recommendations for its usage, usage instructions (dose, frequency, etc.) Identification of the company.
- Two samples of the product, description of the container in which it will be sold and
- Analysis methods.
The lab testing will cost depending on the active ingredients up to U$2,000.- Once the records have been checked and the report of the Public Health Institute has been received, the technical report will be processed and result into the corresponding authorization, by means of a decision of the Director of the respective Health Service. This will be a valid decision in the whole country, so the Service that elaborates it will have to send a copy of it to the rest of the Health Services of the country and the central ministerial level.
The duration of the whole procedure lasts about 1 year.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.