22 January 2025

PEI Estate Planning Preparation – Checklist – Updated January 2025

Cox & Palmer


Cox & Palmer is a full-service, top-ranked Atlantic Canadian law firm. We have the knowledge and experience you can rely on for solid legal solutions. We work with clients to understand their needs and provide valuable advice when it matters most.
"Everything to each other, and if we both go, to the kids". Sound familiar? Estate planning is actually far more complicated than this.
Canada Family and Matrimonial

"Everything to each other, and if we both go, to the kids". Sound familiar? Estate planning is actually far more complicated than this.

For PEI residents, when preparing for your estate planning meeting with one of our lawyers, there are a number of things to consider. The checklist below will serve as a helpful tool.

PEI Estate Planning Preparation – Checklist

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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