There are deadlines to file lawsuits in Manitoba – these are referred to as limitation periods. In many cases, the deadline to sue in Manitoba was six (6) years. But with new legislation taking effect back in September 2022, that deadline in many cases has moved up to September 30, 2024.
Since September 2022, we've been in a transition period where lawsuits could still be brought within the old deadline in certain circumstances. However, we are almost at the end of that transition period.
On September 30, 2024, most lawsuits that could still have been filed, because the old limitation period had not yet expired, will expire.
For example, if you believe you have a breach of contract claim that occurred on August 1, 2021, the old deadline to sue would have been August 1, 2027. But because of the changes in law in 2022, that deadline is now September 30, 2024.
If you're not sure whether you would like to pursue a potential lawsuit, but want to keep your options open, so long as the deadline has not passed, you can file a lawsuit with the Court to meet the deadline, but not actually provide the other side notice of such proceedings until up to six (6) months afterwards.
If you believe you might have a claim and wish to know the deadline to sue, including whether the deadline might be coming up on September 30, 2024, please reach out to us and we can review and advise you on the applicable deadline.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.