23 April 2024

Supreme Decree No. 012-2024 RE

Fakhoury Global Immigration


At Fakhoury Global Immigration, our motto is Global Vision, Personal Attention. We provide our clients with the most comprehensive legal immigration services available while tailoring them to their specific requirements. Offering a full range of immigration legal services, we aspire to be the one-stop solution for all our clients’ global and U.S.-based needs. Our team of lawyers and paralegals are specialists in all U.S. and major international visa classifications. We provide comprehensive and peerless legal services that are cost-competitive, custom tailored, fully compliant, and successful in achieving our clients’ objectives.
Through Supreme Decree No. 012-2024 RE, published in the Official Gazette "El Peruano" on Thursday, April 11 of this year 2024, it was decided to annul the suspension...
United States Immigration

Through Supreme Decree No. 012-2024 RE, published in the Official Gazette "El Peruano" on Thursday, April 11 of this year 2024, it was decided to annul the suspension of the tourist and business visa exemption for holders of ordinary passport of the United Mexican States that was provided by Supreme Decree No. 011-2024-RE in recent days.

The main scope of the aforementioned immigration regulations is as follows:

Repeal of Supreme Decree No. 011-2024-RE

Supreme Decree No. 011-2024-RE, which suspended the tourist and business visa exemption for citizens of the United Mexican States, holders of ordinary passports, is annulled.

Exemption from the tourist and business visa requirement

Nationals of the United Mexican States, holders of valid and current ordinary passports, are exempt from the temporary visa requirement in the Tourist and Business Immigration Qualities, for entry to Peruvian territory.

Maximum period of stay

The maximum period of stay is up to one hundred eighty-three (183) calendar days, whether as a continuous visit or consecutive visits, during a period of one year.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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