A couple of months ago, I wrote that a company called Synhelion was one to watch. Just a short time later, it is great to see the inauguration of their first industrial-scale solar fuels plant.
DAWN features a field of mirrors surrounding a 20 meter high tower containing a solar receiver which transfers solar energy to a thermochemical reactor to produce synthetic fuels. The energy can be used directly or stored for use later when less solar energy is available.
Solar fuel-based processes of this kind are highly attractive in accelerating the energy transition because they are both carbon neutral and fully compatible with the existing fossil-fuel based infrastructure.
The inauguration of DAWN marks the beginning of the era of solar fuels – a turning point for sustainable transportation. Our founding dream of producing renewable fuels from solar energy is becoming a reality. We are immensely proud of our great team and would like to thank all of our pioneers who have made this once seemingly impossible idea possible.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.