Care Home Management Magazine: Finance Podcast

Albert Goodman


Albert Goodman
We were delighted to take part in a Finance Podcast for social care businesses, hosted by Care Home Management Magazine, in October.
United Kingdom Finance and Banking

We were delighted to take part in a Finance Podcast for social care businesses, hosted by Care Home Management Magazine, in October. Michelle Ferris (Head of Charities and Care) and Andrew Hopper, Workplace Pensions Consultant spoke about the funding of care (and how to speak to residents about it) and unpaid debts, two very difficult subjects which are more important than ever after the challenges which the sector has and continues to face. The overriding theme was how it is so vital to get professional advice.

The podcast is available at The Care Home Management Podcast - Care Home Management | Care Home Agency Advice (

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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