Our report provides a comprehensive analysis of the very latest market data in executive remuneration from across the FTSE 350.
This year's AGM season takes place against the backdrop of continued debate around the UK market's approach to executive pay. Some question whether the current approach to both the structure and quantum of executive packages is damaging the ability of UK-listed companies to compete in global talent markets.
It is therefore interesting to note that several of the trends we identify are consistent with some of the key themes from that ongoing 'Big Tent' discussion. For example, in over half of new Remuneration Policies the level of incentive opportunity was increased. Around one in five new Policies relaxed the approach to annual bonus deferral.
The debate around the UK's approach to executive pay will continue and it will be important for remuneration committees and reward teams to stay abreast of evolving market developments. This report, which provides the very latest snapshot of UK market practice, can support that objective.
Originally published by 17 September, 2024
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.