UK Fundraising Regulator Round Up

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The Fundraising Regulator has released data showing complaints about charity fundraising have risen by 8%. There were 1,137 complaints in 2022/23 up from 1,056 in the previous period.
United Kingdom Corporate/Commercial Law

Complaints to Fundraising Regulator up by 8 per cent last year

The Fundraising Regulator has released data showing complaints about charity fundraising have risen by 8%. There were 1,137 complaints in 2022/23 up from 1,056 in the previous period. That said, it's worth noting that of the 1,137 complaints received, 509 were decided to fall outside of the remit of the Fundraising Regulator. Furthermore, 1,140 complaints were closed during the same period and 94% of complaints were closed within four weeks.

The Regulator's report also disclosed that the number of organisations registered was up by 7% to almost 6,100 and, of these, 1,983 charities had paid the voluntary levy providing the Regulator with a total income of around £2.6m.

However, as noted in our March bulletin, the Regulator has announced it will pause the publication of complaints data during 2025 and 2026 in order to improve the way it shares this data.

Fundraising Regulator Market Inquiry – Sub-contracting in face-to-face fundraising: Post-workshop report

The Fundraising Regulator has published a report on the use of sub-contracting in face-to-face fundraising by charities and agencies. The report is based on a market inquiry that was launched in October 2023, following reports of poor fundraising practice by some sub-contracted agencies. The report evaluates the feedback from five fact-finding workshops that involved senior representatives from 36 charities and 18 agencies.

The report identifies the key issues and challenges in planning, managing and monitoring face-to-face fundraising campaigns that involve sub-contracting. It also outlines the next steps that the Fundraising Regulator and other sector bodies will take to provide guidance and support to charities and agencies to improve compliance with the Code of Fundraising Practice and protect the public trust in fundraising. The report emphasises the importance of a spirit of partnership, a culture of positive behaviour and oversight of the sub-contracting chain for successful and safe fundraising.

Fundraising Regulator confirms increase to annual levy and registration fee

On 17 April 2024 the Fundraising Regulator confirmed that it would be making increases to the voluntary levy it asks charities with a total spend of over £100,000 to contribute. The increase will be done on a progressive scale meaning the highest spending charities will see the biggest increase. Furthermore, there will be two new bands introduced so that any increases as charities spend more will be more gradual.

The increase at the top end will be 50%, whilst it will be 30% for medium-spending charities and only 20% for lower-spending charities.

They will also be phased in over 2 years and, from September 2026, will increase on an annual basis in line with the consumer price index.

Finally, the registration fee will increase from £50 to £60 for smaller charities that do not have to pay the levy from September 2024.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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