The Gambia Industrial Property Office (GIPO) has joined the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) TMClass harmonized database of goods and services (HBD) as the 96th participating IP office.
EUIPO's TMClass welcomes The Gambia
As from 18 December 2023, GIPO will officially use and recognize terminology from the HDB in TMclass. GIPO's decision to use the HDB brings the number of IP offices outside of the EU that utilize and accept these terms to 32. The number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO, and the EUIPO, having now increased to 96.
TMclass allows users to look up and translate goods and services into and out of any of the 44 languages that are supported. It also allows users to confirm that phrases are correctly classified under the Nice classification.
Source: The Gambia joins TMclass available at :
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