Procurement organisations are notorious for a myopic focus on savings. But how do successful procurement organisations drive top-line and bottom-line value to the businesses that they serve? In this series learn about how procurement has created value, from collaboration with suppliers, to involvement in product development, to leveraging procurement's unique market knowledge and perspectives.
Driving value in procurement is a subject of great interest to the C-suite. In this series find out how you can facilitate a richer relationship with suppliers to help you get more for less, why retaining talent is key to managing risks and how proper procurement processes can help to avoid unsustainable supply.
Agile Procurement: 7 Strategies to Drive Business Value
Tim Tolhurst, Chief Purchasing Officer of DSM, discusses seven key strategies that he uses to compel business value within his procurement organisation.
Knowledge as an Asset: Driving Value and Managing Risks
Fredrick Spalcke, Chief Procurement Officer of Philips, discusses how procurement organisations can, and ultimately should, leverage internal expertise for supplier analysis to promote knowledge transfer and build competencies internally.
Inside Out: Setting Up the Procurement Organization for Success
DSM's Chief Procurement Officer, Tim Tolhurst, discusses how DSM's procurement organisation has driven success by enhancing the awareness and capabilities of supplier relationships.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.