"Why good people sometimes do bad things" is a book that describes in 52 short chapters 7 cultural factors that influence the likelihood of irregularities in the workplace.
- Why do even the most honest and conscientious employees sometimes go off the rails?
- What pushes upstanding and intelligent managers over the edge?
- What causes benevolent organizations to lead their customers, employees, and shareholders up the garden path?
- How do trusted people and organizations become cheats? Not just once, but repeatedly and systematically.
- How did a director come to pay a customer under the table?
Our clients regularly face these types of questions and others on how to best prevent fraud and/or other types of misconduct.
The book provides readers with insights in to how social-psychological theories can help them better understand human behavior in organizations so that they are able to prevent fraud and misconduct as much as possible.
Read the latest KPMG report, Global Profiles of the Fraudster, for more information on white collar crime and insights into the typical fraudster.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.