11 November 2021

Energy Storage Systems In Kazakhstan: Time For Regulatory Changes

Unicase Law Firm


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Unicase Law LLP is a firm with operations in the region of Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic for over 10 years, also it is considered as one of the leading firms according to leading rating agencies. The firm’s expert knowledge in law and top-notch client service are recommended for Kazakhstan by the leading international legal directories such as The Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, IFLR 1000, and Asialaw Profiles.
Energy storage technologies emerged as a critical component in efficient, flexible, reliable use of energy worldwide. They help smoothing out supply of various forms of renewable energy...
Kazakhstan Energy and Natural Resources

Energy storage technologies emerged as a critical component in efficient, flexible, reliable use of energy worldwide. They help smoothing out supply of various forms of renewable energy

In terms of economic benefit, energy storage systems are cost-effective since they provide for lower operational costs in powering the grid and potentially reduce the amount customers pay for demand charges due to decrease in consumption by a customer in peak times.1

Environmental impact of energy storage systems shall not be ignored, as several studies show its potential to support decarbonisation. For example, as part of the Green Deal, EU sets an ambitious goal of decarbonisation until 2030 and 2050 with the help of energy storage solutions.2

It is also crucial to highlight the importance of the role of energy storage as a new energy infrastructure that shall be integrated into renewable energy system an also integrate autonomous, distributed and centralized systems together with renewable energy sources.3

Kazakhstan is not an exception, due to the country's geography and climate, the most promising sources of renewable energy are solar and wind. According to estimates in the Concept for the Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex until 2030", the total potential of renewable energy sources for energy production is 1,885 billion kWh; the thermal potential is 4.3 GW (Government Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 724, 2014)4 . However, with the current structure of generation mainly from the stations fired by coal and gas and the lack of balancing and reserve capacities, the intermittent nature of wind and solar plants puts even more pressure on the reliability and stability of the overall power system in Kazakhstan.

Currently, KEGOC, the system operator of unified power system of Kazakhstan, is contemplating the introduction of storage capacities, which will allow energy to be stored and used later.5

Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Kazakhstan has recently presented a draft version of doctrine (strategy) on achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, which highlights the importance of energy storage systems in enabling renewable energy into conventional energy system for the purposes of decarbonization.6

In this article, we focused on regulatory barriers that hinder the development of energy storage systems in Kazakhstan. The following review is based on the analysis of both Kazakhstan laws and international best practices in the field of energy storage systems.

Regulatory barriers and recommendations

Regulatory barriers are one of the main stumbling blocks on the way to effective implementation of energy storage system in Kazakhstan. Currently, there is no specific regulation or program to support energy storage system in Kazakhstan. In essence, there is virtually no regulation of ownership, construction and operation of energy storage systems in Kazakhstan. It is recommended to update the public policies and regulations to encourage the deployment of energy storage.


1. Paolo D'Aprile, John Newman, Dickon Pinner, The new economics of energy storage, Mckinsey,

2. Energy storage for a decarbonized Europe by 2050,

3. Napravleniya razvitiya elektroenergetiki Kazakhstana: Sistema nakopleniya elektricheskoi energii,

4. Concept for the Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex until 2030, Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 28, 2014 No. 724

5. Alexey Bancikin, "KEGOC ishet nadezhnyi akkumulyator dlya VIE",

6. Doctrine (strategy) on achieving carbon neutrality by 2060,

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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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