The Electricity and Natural Gas Law no. 123/2012 ("Energy Law") was amended recently via the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 143/2021, with the main purpose of transposing the provisions of the Directive (EU) 2019/944 on common rules for the internal market for electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU ("Directive 2019/944") and of ensuring compliance with Regulation (EU) 2019/943 on the internal market for electricity ("Regulation 2019/943").

The enactment of the aforesaid government emergency ordinance ("GEO no. 143/2021") was long overdue, given that the deadline for transposing the Directive 2019/944 into the domestic legislation expired on December 31, 2020, Romania being formally notified by the European Commission to this end.

Our energy team's complete article is available here.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.