20 April 2000

New Copyright Law

Jordan Transport

A reading of the new copyright law of Jordan should reveal that the law provides for the following aspects which distinguishes it from the old laws :

  • Protection of computer programs, whether in source or object code.
  • Protection of the collections of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopedias, anthologies, and data compilations, whether in machine-readable or other form.
  • The use of a work of art shall not be considered as infringement of rights when such use occurs within a private family gathering or at an educational, cultural or social institution, provided that the source is mentioned.
  • A performer is granted the right of prohibiting third parties from fixation of his unfixed live performance or reproduction of such a fixation by any means without his prior consent.
  • The protection period of the rights of performers and producers of phonograms shall be for 50 years as of the date of fixation of the performance. The protection period of radio and television broadcasts has been fixed at 20 years.
  • The financial rights of the author have been extended to a period of 50 years after his death or death of the last surviving co-author.
  • The copyright protection office staff shall be able, under the pertinent law, to exercise the powers of judicial police officers in the implementation of the provisions of the law, and shall have the power to inspect, seize, and destroy pirated copies, and to close down the business concern carrying out the infringement.
  • The non-deposit of a work of art shall not prejudice the rights of the copyright holder of such a work.
  • The maximum penalty for copyright infringement has been raised to imprisonment for a period not less than 3 months and a fine ranging from JD 1,000.00 to JD 3,000.00 (US$ 1,400.00 to US$ 4,200.00), or both penalties.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property Bulletins

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