As a part of our Women in Alternatives initiatives, our Director of Funds and Corporate Nicola Le Brocq recently led a discussion with the rest of our female Market Development leads for our 'Jersey Heard' podcast. In this episode, they explored the role of women in finance.
Nicola was joined by:
Maria McDermott, Market Development Consultant – Asia
Dr Rufaro Nyakatawa, Market Development Consultant – Africa
During the podcast, they discussed the landscape for women working in financial services within the regions they oversee. They drew on their personal experiences, reflected on the industry, and looked ahead to the future.
Key points that were covered included:
- Women entering male-dominated areas of the finance industry
- How women can progress in these roles
- Getting more women into the finance industry and developing their understanding
- Empowering women to take charge of their career progression
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.