Happy Ending

An order to give effect to the compromise agreement between the parties was passed by the Court on 7th April, 2016.
India Intellectual Property
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Litigation is a method to resolve issues between the parties but it might take a while to obtain a conclusive judgment on the issues, it is for this reason that we at R.K. Dewan & Co. encourage out of Court settlement to ensure speedy disposal of cases, preserving the interest of the parties and preventing further expenditure on litigation.

In the case of Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. v Central Burners, RK Dewan & Co. represented the Plaintiff and successfully established a case of trademark infringement, passing off and copyright infringement in artistic works against the Defendant. The Defendant was using the mark 'Parle' for selling its burners. The Hon'ble Delhi District Court passed an interim order for restraining the Defendant from using the marks Parle and Parle (logo) for their goods and packaging materials. Also, two Local Commissioners were appointed for seizure of infringing goods from the premises of the Defendant. The Local Commissioners upon the orders of the Court visited the premises of the Defendant and seized 80 boxes and one piece of Parle Burner, each box contained 10 pieces of burners therefore in total, 801 pieces of Parle Burner were seized. However, in the interest of the Plaintiff to settle the matter in an expeditious manner, we recommended a settlement to be reached between the two parties. Pursuant to our advice of amicable settlement, the Defendant agreed not to further infringe the Plaintiff's trademark and copyright in the mark 'Parle' and its logo.

An order to give effect to the compromise agreement between the parties was passed by the Court on 7th April, 2016. We succeeded in securing the interest of our client, and obtaining the desirable results within six months from the initiation of the suit.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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