A final document containing the undertaking of the National Government and of Colombian individuals and entities to improve their engagement in favor of the welfare of the thousands of Colombian children was officially executed on 13 September, 2001 in Casa de Nariño (the residence of the Colombian President).
PARRA, RODRIGUEZ & CAVELIER is proud to inform that it had the privilege to act, on a pro-bono basis, as legal counsel of INTERACCION SOCIAL in the process of negotiation of the contracts by means of which the Colombian government provides economic resources to non-profit organizations dedicated to social programs, mainly with children. The Firm is very glad to have had the opportunity to participate in this Nation-building process.
INTERACCION SOCIAL is an association of 130 non-profit organizations working for the welfare of children of low resources in Colombia.
The Colombian Institute of Family Welfare ("Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar - ICBF") is the governmental entity in charge of organizing the National System of Protection, by means of which public resources are destined to social programs. To this effect, Contribution Contracts ("Contratos de Aporte") are entered into between ICBF and each of the non-profit organizations ascribed to the National System of Protection.
Traditionally, non-profit organizations had no opportunity to review the terms and conditions of the above-mentioned Contribution Contracts with ICBF notwithstanding the fact that several issues needed to be reviewed and discussed due to their importance and impact on the welfare of the children.
On March of this year INTERACCION SOCIAL opened the possibility of discussing these Contribution Agreements with ICBF.
Since that time, a working team was formed with representatives of both INTERACCION SOCIAL and the ICBF. María Paula Valdés de Cubides and Diana Suarez Barbosa acted on behalf of PARRA, RODRÍGUEZ & CAVELIER as legal counsels of INTERACCION SOCIAL seeking to protect the legality and effectiveness of the negotiation and of the decisions adopted.
As a result of various meetings of the working team a final document was issued containing both rights and obligations for the ICBF and for the non-profit organizations.
This final document evidences the importance of the negotiation of the Contribution Contracts not only for the 130 non-profit organizations pertaining to INTERACCION SOCIAL, but for all Colombian non-profit organizations that depend on the resources of the Colombian State for the rendering of their social services.
The final document which, as mentioned above, contains the undertaking of the National Government and of Colombian individuals and entities to improve their engagement in favor of the welfare of the thousands of Colombian children who are the future not only of Colombia but of the world was officially executed on September 13, 2001 in Casa de Nariño (the residence of the Colombian President) with the presence of Ms. Nohra Puyana de Pastrana, First Lady of the Nation.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.