In a groundbreaking human rights case, Lithuania's national courts have, for the first time, recognized the right to maternity for the second mother of the same child. This historic decision represents a significant step forward in advancing legal recognition of same-sex parenthood in a country where the legal framework does not explicitly provide for such rights.
The judgment was based on the principles enshrined in the Lithuanian Constitution, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This case is a transformative moment for equality, inclusivity, and justice for same-sex families, setting a powerful inspiration for future cases in Lithuania and potentially influencing societal attitudes.
The pro bono legal representation for this landmark case was provided by Ellex in Lithuania Exper tDonatas Murauskas and Junior Associate Rosita Lukaevičiūtė. We are pleased that Ellex had the opportunity to contribute to this legal breakthrough, which further strengthens the protection of human rights in Lithuania. Ellex has defended and will continue to defend human rights, striving to ensure that every one of our citizens is respected and recognized as equal.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.