12 December 2024

Doing Business In The Netherlands! – Ein rechtlicher Leitfaden für Unternehmen



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BUREN is an independent international firm of lawyers, notaries, and tax advisers with offices in Amsterdam, Beijing, The Hague, Luxembourg, and Shanghai. We provide full-service, multidisciplinary support, helping national and international clients expand, innovate, or restructure their businesses through our offices, country desks, and global network of partners.
We are pleased to announce the publication of the multi-part German series on Dutch law. Having already published a corresponding guide in English last year...
Netherlands Corporate/Commercial Law

We are pleased to announce the publication of the multi-part German series on Dutch law. Having already published a corresponding guide in English last year (Doing Business in The Netherlands), we have decided to make it available to you in German as well.

The series is dedicated to the basic knowledge of business practices in the Netherlands and is specifically designed to provide you with a comprehensive insight into the legal foundations of the Dutch business world. All 9 chapters have now been published and are available separately here:

  1. Rechtssystem
  2. Beschränkungen ausländischer Investitionen
  3. Gesellschaftsrecht - Rechtsformen
  4. Arbeitsrecht
  5. Wettbewerbsrecht
  6. Geistiges Eigentum
  7. Datenschutz
  8. Verfahrensrecht
  9. Umstrukturierung und Insolvenz

The German series will soon also be published as a bundled edition.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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