As of today, the updated edition of "International litigation and arbitration in the Netherlands" is available. This book covers the main features of both civil court and (international) arbitration proceedings in the Netherlands, including enforcement and annulment proceedings. It provides foreign companies and their (legal) advisors with a basic understanding of (international) legal proceedings. A (free) soft copy of the book can be requested below.
What's new in the 2021 edition?
The new edition includes various additional chapters on (international) arbitration proceedings. Next to that, the book gives special attention to:
- inquiry and squeeze-out proceedings before the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal;
- the Mass Damages in Class Actions Act, that entered into force on 1 January 2020; and
- the Netherlands Commercial Court, that opened its doors on 1 January 2019.
The implications of Brexit for the applicability of various European law treaties are also discussed. In addition, the book provides a brief explanation of current legislative proposals.
Also extensively discussed are topics such as applicable law and choice of law, attachment and enforcement proceedings, evidence and the recognition and enforcement of (foreign) judgments.
Download: International litigation and arbitration in the Netherlands
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.