16 November 2020

"Semente" Program - The Tax Benefit You Need To End 2020.

With the end of the atypical year of 2020 approaching, we could not end the same without inviting the reader to accompany us in a brief analysis of the tax benefit contained in this program.
Portugal Tax

With the end of the atypical year of 2020 approaching, we could not end the same without inviting the reader to accompany us in a brief analysis of the tax benefit contained in this program.

Indeed, the "Semente" Program was designed to encourage individual investment in Startups, through their entry into the share capital of innovative Startups.

Indeed, all innovative companies with high growth potential that obtain the SME certification issued by IAPMEI and that are certified by the National Incubator Network as Startups "Semente" are eligible to receive this type of investments.

Therefore, in order to increase the interest of potential investors in this program, it was included in the restricted batch of tax benefits, foreseen for this year.

Thus, the investor may benefit from a deduction from the collection, under IRS, of 25% of the eligible investment, which must necessarily be less than 30% of the company's capital or voting rights.

Additionally, it is limited to the maximum amount of ? 100,000.00 per investor, among other requirements.

This deduction is also limited to 40% of the taxable person's collection, with the possibility of deduction in the two subsequent periods in case of insufficiency.

Finally, capital gains arising from the sale of shares will not be taxed if held for at least 48 months and if reinvested in the same year or the year after the transfer of the eligible shares under the terms of the regime.

In short, this program was intended to create conditions for increasing individual investment in innovative companies, promoting the creation and development of Startups, and combining these purposes, with the possibility for the investor to obtain an important tax benefit.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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