CIPO Launches MyCIPO Patents

Oyen Wiggs Green & Mutala LLP


Oyen Wiggs LLP is a Vancouver-based independent intellectual property boutique law firm in Canada. We are experienced patent lawyers with a variety of technical backgrounds that provide us with the insight to help our clients define and protect their innovations. Through our wide-reaching network of foreign associates, we advance our clients’ interests around the world.
MyCIPO Patents was launched by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office on July 17. MyCIPO Patents is CIPO's new online portal for patent services.
Canada Intellectual Property
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MyCIPO Patents was launched by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office on July 17. MyCIPO Patents is CIPO's new online portal for patent services. MyCIPO Patents is part of CIPO's Next Generation Patents initiative to modernize its patent IT systems.

For now, MyCIPO Patents only allows for the filing of Patent Cooperation Treaty national phase entry applications and the payment of maintenance fees. Further functions are forthcoming. For example, MyCIPO Patents will eventually include functionality for accessing the CIPO patent database, filing of regular applications and divisional applications and submitting communications on existing applications.

Notably, since CIPO is migrating data to MyCIPO Patents, the CIPO patent database is currently unavailable and the issuance and grant of patents is suspended.

More information is available from CIPO here, here, and here.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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