Elad Travis is featured in IsraelDesks Magazine's special look at the economic partnership between Canada and Israel. He shares his insights on the investment opportunities, success stories and burgeoning sectors that are driving business between the two countries.
Elad is one of the founders of The Maple & Honey Forum, which serves as a platform for investing and growing businesses interested in leveraging the Canada-Israel relationship.
Elad's comments in IsraelDesks include:
- Investment and trade are essential to both countries. Innovation is the now and the future of our economies. We are seeing activity, but there are opportunities for much more.
- Digitalization is transforming the Canadian economy and there are opportunities for Israeli companies that can enable and accelerate this change.
- We are seeing significant investment both ways between Canada and Israel in the IT and software spaces.
- There are unprecedented opportunities ahead for investment in the energy transition in Canada, including for Israeli climate-tech companies and investors.
- Canada has the potential to become a global player in agri-food and we are seeing more investment in foodtech.
- In recent years, Reverse Takeover (RTO) transactions involving Capital Pool Companies on Canada's TSX Venture Exchange has become an attractive alternative to private funding for pre-revenue tech companies.
The full July 2024 edition of IsraelDesks Magazine is available here. Elad's perspectives appear on pages 11-15.
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