A New Brunswick court has rejected a supervisor's attempt to blame his criminal non-compliance with OHS law on a lack of training by his employer. Training charges are becoming more common than ever.
On September 8, 2023, Ryan Conlin and Jeremy Schwartz of Stringer LLP presented this webinar, to provide an update on the latest information about how to ensure employers and supervisors comply with their training obligations:
- The decision in R v. King
- What Courts say supervisors must do themselves to ensure the most basic levels of compliance
- How can employers prove due diligence with respect to training
- Does everything have to be in writing?
- Remember Dofasco? When training is not enough
- Is worker error ever a valid defence?
- Do industry standards matter when it comes to training?
- Does an accident prove a lack of training?
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.