ANTT (National Land Transportation Agency) has officially announced, on May 4th, the opening of the Public Hearing No. 05/2017, in preparation for the tender of the concession of BR-364/365/GO/MG. It consists of the highway segment between the crossroads with BR-060 (in Jataí/GO) and with LMG-479 (in Uberlândia/MG).
The project had already been submitted to Public Hearing in 2015 (No. 008/2015). ANTT, however, decided to restructure the concession of the highway due to the changes brought by the Law of PPI – Investment Partnership Program (Federal Law No. 13.334/2016), federal program created by president Michel Temer to promote investments in infrastructure by means of partnerships with the private sector.
The draft tender documents, the Program of Highway Exploration (PER) and the feasibility studies related to BR-364/365/GO/MG are available on ANTT's website for analysis and contributions by the interested parties. Click here for more information.
The contributions regarding the project can be sent to ANTT between May 8th and June 21st, 2017, at 6pm (Brasília time). There will also be live hearing sessions in Jataí (May 22nd at 1pm), Uberlândia (May 24th at 2pm) and Brasília (May 26th at 2pm).
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.