"After all... tomorrow is another day." Scarlett
The future of film productions appears brighter these days, as
Romanian authorities have recently reaffirmed their commitment to
boost the local film industry by revamping the cash rebate system
available to it. As many of our readers may know, famous films such
as Amen, Cold Mountain, Modigliani,
Transporter 3, Le Concert and, more recently,
Wednesday or Voyagers, were shot in
The local cash rebate is a state aid scheme granted for the
production of short, medium and long feature films, miniseries or
television series, films intended for direct-to-video distribution
or the internet, or any other type of support, artistic
documentaries or animation films. Service productions,
co-productions and purely local films are generally covered.
Despite being around since 2018, the cash rebate has faced trouble
recently due to significant administrative hurdles and
back-and-forth's between several competent authorities. These
in turn have led to multiple litigations currently pending before
the courts of competent jurisdiction. But there is hope, as the
cash rebate has been given a facelift, including new management,
and there are governmental commitments to resolve past
The revamped cash rebate: what's new?
The cash rebate has new management, having been formally
transferred to the Ministry of Culture. A dedicated Film Office has
been put in place to oversee decisions about the backlog of
projects and to handle new applications. While still understaffed,
the Film Office has started work on assessing projects submitted
between 2018 and 2020. There are currently 52 past projects under
assessment at various stages.
The Film Office has also developed procedural rules that would
allow calls for new projects to be initiated in the years to come.
The call for 2024 projects will most likely kick off in May,
although the Film Office will soon announce a firm date.
Call for new projects
Under the new legislation, applicants will be able to benefit from
a 30 % cash rebate, with a project cap of EUR 10m and a minimum
local expenditure of EUR 100,000.
There are strict procedural deadlines for registration and
follow-up actions that applicants should be mindful of. If any of
these deadlines is not met, the project will be deregistered and
will fail to qualify for the cash rebate. It may, however, be
resubmitted, subject to compliance with all required terms and
Financing will be received upon the completion of filming in
Romania. Applicants are required to submit the payment request,
along with the audit report and all supporting documentation for
eligible expenses, within six months of the execution of the
financing agreement. Payments should then be processed by the
authorities within 120 days of approval.
Coming up next...
The budget allocated to 2024 projects amounts to EUR 37m, while the
maximum expected budget for the following two years is EUR
Attention now shifts to implementation and to how the revamped cash
rebate system will further boost filmmaking in Romania, a country
already renowned as an enticing film destination.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.