In this episode of The Cut, Simon Cathro speaks with Keiran Breckenridge and Jonathon Turner from Lander & Rogers about secured creditors and receiverships, a topic not covered in previous episodes
Jonathan Turner is a partner at Landers and Rogers, specialising in corporate restructuring, insolvency, and finance. He joined the firm about 15 months ago, moving from NRF. Jonathan's expertise and experience contribute to Landers and Rogers' growing focus on corporate restructuring, insolvency, and finance
Keiran Breckenridge is a special counsel at Landers and Rogers, specializing in insolvency law. He has been with the firm for seven years. Prior to joining Landers and Rogers, Keiran took a few years to work in regional New South Wales, specifically in Tamworth and Armidale, as part of a "tree change" with his wife. This diverse experience in both city and country legal practices has contributed to his comprehensive understanding of insolvency law and practice.
Key points discussed in this episode:
- Overview of Lander & Rogers, its history, and recent growth in the corporate restructuring, insolvency, and finance space
- The increasing trend of receiverships and the changing landscape of lenders in the market
- The importance of security reviews and investigating accountant reports in the receivership process
- Options available to secured creditors, including receivership, mortgage in possession, and voluntary administration
- This episode provides valuable insights into the current state of receiverships and the role of secured creditors in the insolvency process.
- Keiran Breckenridge's Linkedin
- Jonathon Turner's Linkedin
- Simon Cathro's Linkedin
- Lander & Rogers Insolvency and Restructuring
- Australian Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Association (ARITA)
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.