14 April 2024

Inventory Accounting: IAS 2 Recognition And Valuation Insights

Andersen in Egypt


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In the realm of business operations, precise inventory accounting is necessary for decision-making and accurate financial records.
Egypt Accounting and Audit

In the realm of business operations, precise inventory accounting is necessary for decision-making and accurate financial records. This article aims to explain inventory recognition and valuation, in line with the international accounting standard "IAS 2", offering essential insights for businesses.

Inventories encompass a wide range of tangible assets held by businesses, including goods held for sale, work in progress, and raw materials. Whether the inventory items are ready for resale, items in the process of production, or materials awaiting use in the production.

Recognition at Cost

Upon delivery, inventories are recognized as assets at their cost as stated in (IAS 2). This cost comprises various elements, including the purchase price "less any discounts or rebates", costs of conversion (such as labor and overheads directly related to production), and any additional expenses incurred in bringing the inventories to their current location and condition.

Treatment of Sold Items

As inventory units are sold, the cost of sold items is recorded under "cost of goods sold" in the statement of profit or loss, ensuring transparency.

Devaluation of Inventory

Subsequently, when an inventory's carrying amount exceeds its net realizable value, a devaluation occurs, necessitating a write down.

The net realizable value represents the estimated selling price less the costs of completion and sale.

Accounting Treatment of Devaluation

In such scenarios, the excess carrying amount over the net realizable value should be written down to reflect the inventory's diminished value. This devaluation loss is then charged to the statement of P&L.


In conclusion, proficient inventory accounting practices underpin financial transparency and facilitate informed decision-making, both of which are integral to the sustainability and expansion of businesses. Mastery of inventory recognition and devaluation ensures the precision of financial reporting and enhances risk mitigation efforts in the corporate landscape.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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