Singapore's Ministry of Manpower clarified that Employers of Record are not allowed to apply for a work pass for a foreign national to be based in Singapore while they are employed by an overseas company, and doing so will be considered an offense. Only Singapore-based companies may apply for work passes for foreign nationals, and these foreign nationals must be hired by the local company with the intention of remaining in Singapore for an extended period. An overseas entity that does not have a local presence in the country may either set up a representative through Enterprise Singapore's Representative Office scheme or incorporate a company with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority. Additionally, eligible foreign nationals who intend to explore business opportunities in Singapore may obtain a Short-Term Visit Pass upon arrival in order to conduct business activities generally for up to 90 days per year, depending on the nationality.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.