18 April 2023

How To Obtain A Visa On Arrival To Ghana

Firmus Advisory


Firmus Advisory Limited is a business consulting firm operating in three areas in Ghana, Regulatory Compliance,Market Research and Trade Development. We offer the following under services under these three areas. Regulatory Compliance- Company Formation,Tax Advisory,Immigration Support Services,Regulatory licensing and permits,Product certification.Market Research-Customer Experience,Market Insights,Industry Research,Employee Engagement,Business Plan.Trade Development- Business to Business match-making,Market Development, Market Entry Services,In-market seminars for visiting business delegations.
An entry visa issued by Ghana Immigration Service is a permit issued to foreigners who wish to enter or transit through Ghana's territory.
Ghana Immigration

How can you obtain an entry visa or visa on arrival to Ghana? An entry visa issued by Ghana Immigration Service is a permit issued to foreigners who wish to enter or transit through Ghana's territory.Emergency Entry Visa is issued upon arrival and is usually valid for 30 days. A person can obtain a visa on arrival by applying to the Comptroller-General of Ghana Immigration Service (GIS). The application must be filed by the host person or entity in Ghana on behalf of the visiting foreign national.

All persons entering Ghana must be in possession of a valid passport or an official travel document establishing the identity of the holder. Travel documents such as Laisser-Passers and other travel documents issued by Governments or International Agencies are recognized by the Government of Ghana.

Visa on Arrival – What is the cost?

The official fee for a visa on arrival or emergency entry visa is $150 per person, whether a child or an adult. Currently, all visa processing fees must be paid before approval is given by the Comptroller-General of Immigration. In cases where one is being invited by Government Ministry, Department or Agency, the applicant may be requested to pay the fee upon arrival in Ghana.

How to obtain a Visa to Ghana – simple steps to follow

Pursuant to regulation 4 of the Immigration Regulations 2001, LI 1691, the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), in streamlining the process of issuing of Emergency Entry visas has stipulated the following guidelines;

  1. Emergency entry visas are processed within seven (7) working days of submission of applications.
  2. A visa application letter must be submitted at the Headquarters of Ghana Immigration Service, Accra. The application letter must highlight the following information relating to the guest or applicant;
    • Country of origin
    • Date of arrival
    • Duration of Stay
    • Purpose of visit (detailed)
    • Address of lodging
    • Address abroad
    • Occupation or profession
    • Telephone number – abroad
    • Email address

3.      The following documents are to be attached to the visa application letter;

  1. Certificate to commence business
  2. Certificate of incorporation
  3. Company's regulations
  4. Tax clearance certificate
  5. Audited accounts (where company has been in existence for 5 years and above)
  6. Bank statement (where the host is an individual)
  7. Copy of residence permit (where the host is non-Ghanaian)
  8. Bio-data page of passport of the applicant
  9. Bio-data page of passport or copy of the identity card of signatory of the application letter
  10. All letters to the GIS must be addressed to the Comptroller-General, Ghana Immigration Service, Headquarters, Accra.
  11. Travel ticket
  12. Proof of stay whiles in Ghana (if hotel)

4.      Conditions for Consideration of Emergency Entry Visa applications

The applicant must be proceeding from a country where;

  1. Ghana has no diplomatic mission or consulate
  2. Ghana has a representative but the entry into Ghana is being sought for an emergency assignment or
  3. The distance between the place of abode of the applicant and the Ghana Consulate office is such that the impromptu nature of the applicant's journey cannot make it possible for the applicants to travel to the office of a visa.
  4. The applicant is proceeding to Ghana at a short notice for business transactions.

In accordance with section 6 of the Immigration Act 2000, Act 573, the Ghana Immigration Service may make inquiries or request the production of further evidence to satisfy itself of the truth of statements made in the application.

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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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