Wiley is a preeminent law firm wired into Washington. We advise Fortune 500 corporations, trade associations, and individuals in all industries on legal matters converging at the intersection of government, business, and technological innovation. Our attorneys and public policy advisors are respected and have nuanced insights into the mindsets of agencies, regulators, and lawmakers. We are the best-kept secret in DC for many of the most innovative and transformational companies, business groups, and nonprofit organizations. From autonomous vehicles to blockchain technologies, we combine our focused industry knowledge and unmatched understanding of Washington to anticipate challenges, craft policies, and formulate solutions for emerging innovators and industries.
In this episode of Sara and Josh Talk About Drones, Sara and
Josh talk about several recent legislative and regulatory
developments related to drones, and more specifically, drone
security. Topics include drone-related provisions (Sections 162 and
1709) in the FY25 NDAA, the Department of
Commerce's open rulemaking proceeding on
safeguarding the UAS supply chain initiated by the Department's
Bureau of Industry and Security, developments in counter-UAS
policies, and the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council's recent rule implementing a
prior NDAA's prohibition on procurement and operation of
certain UAS.
Have a listen and get up to speed on drone security issues as we
head into a new Presidential Administration, and check back with
our podcast for regular updates on drone policy developments
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.