28 December 2023

#26 Up For Review – Amazon Delivery Partners: Independent Contractors Or Employees? (Podcast)

Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols


Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols s.c. has an exceptional history of providing high-quality legal services for over 170 years. With a sophisticated practice committed to careful and effective legal representation across a broad spectrum of clients, we maintain a reputation for both competence and integrity. The firm represents its clients in a wide variety of matters, ranging from the challenges of a start-up enterprise to the opportunities and pitfalls businesses encounter, and ultimately to smooth succession. We provide clients with critical advice and judgment to help them make sound business decisions to protect and grow their companies.
In this month's update on Wisconsin's appellate courts, James and Caleb revisit redistricting and explore two cases set for oral argument in December.
United States Employment and HR

Date of Release: December 19, 2023
Episode Length (Time): 58:52

Attorneys Featured: James M. Sosnoski and Caleb R. Gerbitz

Description: In this month's update on Wisconsin's appellate courts, James and Caleb revisit redistricting and explore two cases set for oral argument in December. That includes one case which asks whether Amazon's so-called "delivery partners" are independent contractors or employees, and another which challenges the use of eminent domain to build a sidewalk.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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