Ofcom is proposing to update the technical conditions for spectrum licences in the 800 MHz band, which Ofcom says could help mobile companies improve the coverage and capacity of their networks.
Ofcom says that the proposals would increase the permitted power output for the equipment mobile operators use in the band, bringing it in line with the conditions in place for the recently awarded 700 MHz band. Under the proposals, the power limits for licences would also be measured per antenna rather than per each individual piece of radio equipment.
The update also includes measures to ensure operators avoid interference with other nearby spectrum users, such as the airwaves used for Digital Terrestrial Television.
The consultation closes on 7 September 2021.
Separately, Ofcom has also published a consultation on its notice of minor amendments to the regulations regarding use of short-range devices, to correct drafting errors. There are no changes to Ofcom's policies in this area.
This consultation closes on 12 August 2021.
To access the consultation on technical conditions for spectrum licences in the 800 MHz band, click here. To access the amendments to regulations for short-range devices, click here.
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